• The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ logo.

Mima answers questions about our unique business model and donating 50% of our profits from MONO's Hat Collection. We want you to understand how and why we do this. 

  • Why Fred Hollows Foundation NZ (FHFNZ)?

    We chose them because of their sustainable approach to development - plus there’s nothing more uplifting than helping someone be able to see again. Many Pacific island countries face unique logistical and financial challenges in designing and delivering health care.

    At FHFNZ, they help to strengthen public health systems by working closely with local hospitals and medical centres. This means training enough local eye specialists and transferring the efficient medical system to the Pacific Islands. This method helps to build a sustainable and long-term health solution rather than having to travel long distances and at great cost to deliver private eye care each time.

    Supporting FHFNZ will not only help to change the life of the person to restore their sight but also their family and community too.

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  • Our Story?

    Growing up with a blind dad and seeing firsthand the hardship, this cause is something close to my heart. I was surprised to learn most visually impaired people are living needlessly with sight loss - that could be treated and prevented. Imagine the human cost behind that. The thought of individuals struggling unnecessarily to access education and to support themselves and their families was affronting - I knew this was a cause I wanted to support.

    The reality for many Pacific Island countries is they simply do not have the resources to provide the help needed by their populations. And so, at MONO we wanted to start a collection to financially support awesome work happening throughout the Pacific, eliminating avoidable blindness.

    Please help us spread the word. Help us share the MONO Hat Collection with people around the world, so then we can help restore sight to even more people. The more hats sold, the higher the donation.

    Ngā mihi,